Ashford Wool Flick Carder

wood, metal, rubber
Ashford Wool Flick Carder

The Flick Carder is used to separate wool locks to prepare them for spinning. Usually the Flicker is used in place of wool hand carders when the fleece is very clean and the spinner wishes to spin worsted yarn. Worsted yarns are those yarns where the fiber is spun parallel to the fiber. It does not refer to a diameter or thickness of the yarn, as many believe .
Take a spinning wheel, a fleece, and a flick carder and you have the perfect set for turning fleece into yarn

Carding cloth is 72 points per square inch, the same as Ashford Wool Hand Carders
Made of unfinished Sliver Beech hardwood

If sent to a Pennsylvania address, Pennsylvania 6% sales tax applies.

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